Stezyca Hotel & Resort
Investment plot of land with a building permit to erect a hotel facility / ROI 20% PY
Stężyca, Poland
€ 1 750 000
The offered plot of land is located in a strategic tourist point – the village of STĘŻYCA in the middle of the Pomeranian Province, district of Kartuzy. This area is situated in a central part of the Cashubian Lake District. Stężyca offers the visitors as much as other well-known villages or even more; it tempts with amazing peace which is sometimes missing in other Cashubian overcrowded resorts. Located within Cashubian Switzerland the population of Stężyca reaches 2165 individuals. The offered plot of land is located over Raduńskie Górne Lake in the close neighborhood of the area owned by the town and commune.
Lokalizacja: Stężyca, commune of Stężyca, district of Kartuzy
Area: 10 643 m2
Possible kind of development: plot of land with a building permit to erect a hotel facility
Land development: none
Area of the building (in the building permit): 11 315 m2
Area of development: 1680 m2
Area on the ground: 7402 m2
Development coefficients: 1.6 – it is possible to build an additional building of 5 700m2 area
Maximum building area: 50% - ~5300 m2
Access: hardened road
Distance: Gdansk – 57 km, Warszawa – 420 km, Berlin – 454 km
Project: 83 rooms, 3 apartments, swimming-pool, underground garage for 51 motor vehicles, restaurant, conference room
Terms and conditions: water supply and sewage systems, electric energy, road, environmental decision
Status: forested plot of land
Permits: a permit to build a hotel, a building permit, a permit to locate a retention reservoir, a permit to cut down trees on the plot of land
Plot of land no 649/33 of 1.0643 ha is classified as a recreational area. The plot of land is described in the Land and Mortgage Register Kw GD1R/00028762/4. It is provided with the development conditions and local spatial development plan. Situated by Raduńskie Gorne Lake the land is separated from the lake by a plot of land owned by the commune and classified as a green area.
Now the plot of land offered for sale is a forest – the permit to cut down the trees growing on the real estate has been already issued by relevant authorities.
Pursuant to the local spatial development plan referring to the fragment of the geodesic precinct of Stężyca the offered plot of land allows for increasing the development structure to a higher extent than the building permit describes. According to the land parameters about 30% of the development area and about 60% of the development intensity are used.
It is possible to obtain an additional building permit for erecting a building of 5 700 m2 area.
Within the obtained building permit it is possible to build a hotel facility of 11 315 m2 total area on the offered land. The 6-storey hotel will offer 83 rooms and 3 apartments. The development area reaches 1 680 m2. One storey will be under the ground (3 913 m2), 4 storeys and the attic (765 m2) – on the ground (1 665 m2). The underground part of the hotel will accommodate a garage for 51 motor vehicles.
The obtained permit does not cover the potential of the plot. According to the local spatial development plan it is possible to erect more buildings on the offered plot.
List of available documents
1. Building permit to erect a hotel facility
2. Permit to build a road
3. Permit to cut down trees
4. Permit to build a retention reservoir
5. Conditions to connect the water supply and sewage systems
6. Conditions to connect electric energy network
7. Administrative environmental decision
8. Graphic and text abstracts from the register of land
9. Extract of the local spatial development plan
10. Architectonic project
11. Decision of 27.12.2019 issued by the communal authorities (Wójt Gminy) of Stężyca allowing to locate and place the technical infrastructure related to the project and construction of the water supply and sewage systems, including connections to plot of land no 649/22, in the right of way (road no 649/3, 650/2, precinct of Stężyca, owned by the commune)
12. Decision no 16/2019 of 27.12.2019 issued by the communal authorities (Wójt Gminy) of Stężyca regarding the annulment of an administrative proceeding with respect to the environmental conditions, consent for the investment ‘Construction of a hotel facility (consisting of A and B buildings), underground garage, parking spaces, technical infrastructure (water supply and sewage systems, central heating, electric energy supply, sanitary installation network and transformer station) on plot of land no 649/33 in Stężyca
13. Decision of 30.08.2019 issued by the communal authorities (Wójt Gminy) of Stężyca – permit to remove 392 trees growing on plot of land 649/33
14. Conditions to connect the electric energy supply network on plot of land no 649/33 – Energa-Operator S.A. – dated 23.07.2019
15. Map for design purposes (actual on 11.02.2019)
16. Letter of 23.10.2019 addressed to the Cashubian Landscape Park – a request to issue an opinion for the investment to be implemented on plot of land no 649/22 located within the Cashubian Landscape Park
17. Opinion issued by the communal authorities (Wójt Gminy) of Stężyca on 09.12.2019 regarding the project of permanent traffic organization known as ‘Project of traffic signs placement to provide permanent traffic organization on the roads owned by the commune in Stężyca, plot of land no 649/3, 650/2’
18. Decision of 27.01.2020 issued by the Leader (Starosta) of Kartuzy – a permit to build a road on plots of land no 649/3, 650/2 ; a letter of 28.01.2020 issued by the communal authorities (Wójt Gminy) of Stężyca (waiver to appeal)
19. Decision of 22.04.2020 issued by the Leader (Starosta) of Kartuzy – a permit to build hotel facility (consisting of A and B buildings), underground garage, parking spaces, technical infrastructure (water supply and sewage systems, central heating, electric energy supply, rainwater sewage system, gas installation including a gas tank, rebuilding of the sanitary installation and building a transformer station) on plot of land no 649/33 in Stężyca
20. Description of the area development project
21. Area development project for plot of land no 649/33
22. Technical conditions to build the sewage networks issued on 29.03.2019
23. Decision of 29.08.2019 issued by the Director of Zarząd Zieleni in Gdansk Państwowe Gospodarstwo Wodne Wody Polskie – a permit to build a water reservoir – retention reservoir on plot of land no 649/33
24. Graphic and text abstract for plot of land no 649/33
25. Visualizations
Property Details
Project Type
Property Type
Project Area
10643 m2
Property Location
Stężyca, Poland
Property Size
10643 m2
Property Management
Looking for
buyer, joint investor
€ 1 750 000
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